Elementary School Choice
February 26, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians of Missisquoi Valley School District Students;
The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the MVSD Elementary School Choice Program. As of July 1, 2019, Franklin Northwest Supervisory Union became the unified Missisquoi Valley School District. As a single school district with four schools, we are allowed some flexibility in where students can be enrolled.
The school board has determined that they will allow a limited number of students to transfer from one elementary school into another of the three participating elementary schools in our district, providing there is room. Once accepted, the student is able to attend the receiving school through the end of grade 6. It is important to note that, unless available, transportation is not provided. For more information, here is a link to an Elementary School Choice FAQ document.
If you are interested in having your child take part in the program, please proceed to the form below, and submit your application online by April 5, 2024. You may also call and request a copy from the superintendent’s office at 802 868-4967.
If more than the allowable number of students apply and there are limited openings, a lottery system will be used to determine the students who may transfer.
Julie Regimbal
Superintendent of Schools