MVSD Reopening Guidance for 2021-2022
Dear MVSD families and staff;
Thanks to Vermont’s high vaccination rate and the rescission of all executive orders relating to COVID 19, Vermont Schools will be operating in a much more traditional fashion this Fall. Last year, students were educated remotely, in school part-time, and there were strict physical distancing protocols in place. This year all our K-12 students will be educated in-person 5 days a week.
We are still in the midst of this pandemic, however. Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, the CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.
On 8/5/2021 we received a memorandum from the Agency of Education and the Department of Health with the written expectations for the COVID -19 prevention measures for Fall 2021. To keep our students and staff healthy, the Missisquoi Valley School District will be requiring the implementation of these measures. The measures include:
Stay Home When Sick practices, Covid Testing, continued Contact Tracing and Wearing Masks inside our schools and on all school buses. Specifically, masks will be required of all students and staff when indoors and on the school bus until further notice.
As required by the Agency of Education, we are publishing the guidelines for reopening on our school district website. That detailed plan can be accessed here. MVSD Reopening Guidance. Should you have any feedback regarding this plan, please fill out this input survey.
MVU will be hosting walk-in vaccine clinics in the gymnasium on August 30, September 20 and October 11th. A full list of clinics, clinic hours and registration information can be found at
As difficult as it is for us to realize we still need health and safety measures, such as masking, we have a duty of care to our students to ensure we are providing them a safe and healthy learning environment. We were successful last school year under very difficult conditions because of the support and understanding from our families and the community. We know that this year will be even better for our students. We are excited to have them all back and learning in our schools full time. We are so grateful for your continued support of our schools.
Keep well,
Julie Regimbal, Superintendent
updated 8/12/2021