School Board » Budget Information

Budget Information

The MVSD Budget passed on our 3rd vote on June 18th, 2024.
ARTICLE I Shall the voters of the Missisquoi Valley School District approve the School Directors to expend $48,909,437 which is the amount the School Directors have determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year?
Yes. 766 No. 594
ARTICLE II Shall the voters of the Missisquoi Valley School District authorize the Board of Directors to borrow money to pay the current expenditures in anticipation of taxes pursuant to Title 16 V.S.A. 562(9)?
Yes. 835 No. 524
Thank you to everyone for your hard work and for spreading the word about our budget and schools.
Funding for the school year is distributed in December, but the school year starts in July. That's why every school district in Vermont has to borrow money every year. There is no additional cost to the community. This is just a part of school operations in this state.